Friends of Wales Awakening:
Sunday morning when I went to the chapel it was rainy and bleak, and
for some reason, I parked in the field at the top of the drive to do my
reading. After a while, much to my delight, the clouds behind me opened
up for a few minutes and flooded the whole recently harvested field
with sunlight. We love how the Lord always provides us with special
moments when we set aside time to spend with him.
Something similar also frequently happens when we spend time in the
word. We can be reading through a passage or thinking about a portion
when something is suddenly made alive to us. It may be something we've
read many times over the years. But when the Holy Spirit highlights it
for us, a whole new area of understanding opens up before us as He
reveals more of Himself.
Recently we’ve been reading the story of how Absalom rose up
against his father King David in 2nd Samuel. And yesterday morning I
found myself detained and tears started to flow as soon as I read 2
Samuel 19:39 that says,
"Then all the
people went over the Jordan, and the king went over…" I couldn't
continue reading for quite a while and found myself overcome with joy
and longing in my prayer. The words from Isaac Watts hymn, When I
Survey The Wondrous Cross come to mind, "Sorrow and love flow mingled
This became a marvelous picture of revival to me! It is like the
Lord coming back to restore a personal and joy-producing relationship
with his people, rather than an intermediary organization that so
easily forms the dependence of its members on its religious activities.
It is the Body of Christ returning to its roots as a Spirit-empowered,
life-giving, love-sharing organism rather than the sterility of
"membership" in an ecclesiastical organization. I suppose this is "the
rest of the story" of what the Lord showed me several years ago in the
previous chapters when David was forced out of Jerusalem by Absolom.
For the complete picture, you can read "What
does the Kidron Brook have to do with me?"
A few moments later it dawned on me that it was September 23rd, the
very day that I got radically saved in Northern California. It was way
back in 1973, and once again I found tears flowing freely as I
remembered with joy and infinite thankfulness the experience of my
salvation—the revelation and conviction of my sinfulness and the power
of God's saving grace through Jesus. And that added another burst of
depth to my prayers, that all might know the grace and power of God's
astounding love.
Then the words "prophetic nostalgia" dropped into my mind. When we
remember some wonderful experience in our past that makes us long to
"be there again", like a particular event, a family gathering, or just
a sweet old homesickness, that demonstrates our capacity for a deep
yearning. I think God gives us that capacity
for His purposes. It's as if all
those good things in our lives that can make us nostalgic and long for
them are just for practice. Regular nostalgia can't really bring
anything back. But "prophetic nostalgia" is applying best and greatest
longing we could ever possibly
have to the fulfillment of God's glorious promises of His coming
"For God so loved the world
that He gave His only begotten
Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have
everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to
condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved."
"And I heard a loud voice
from heaven saying, 'Behold,
the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and
they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their
God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be
no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for
the former things have passed away.'" Revelation 21:3-4
We hope this serves as good fuel for prayer as together we yearn in
prayer for revival,
Dick & Gladys
Dear Praying Friends and Saints:
We are just slowing down after what has been a very busy summer and
it is a welcome change. Having had so many visitors and extra
activities has left lots of catching up to be done in the garden, but
finding time for just the two of us to go for a stroll in the hills has
taken the priority more than once.
Looking back now, the last couple of months have been filled to
overflowing with the joy of fellowship and the love of the brethren.
The evident hunger for God and enthusiasm in prayer of everyone has
been a tremendous encouragement for us, and we have been blessed indeed
by all who have come.
We realize time and time again that it is God's amazing faithfulness
that enables us to keep on assignment here, and we are simply thankful
for His grace. We share together with all who have come this foundational truth from
I Corintians 1:9, " God is
faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus
Christ our Lord."
days ago we had a couple of errands in Swansea which included a visit
to Bible College of Wales. You can imagine our delight when we met a
new student there
from Guatemala! After a bit of conversation we discovered that her dad
had been a student at the Verbo school in Guatemala City when I was the
director in the early 1980s.
I remembered her grandfather because he
was a pastor who came enroll his four children and pay the fees, etc.
One of those sons grew up to also be a pastor, and now here is his
daughter enrolled in the 12-week School of Ministry at BCW! It is uch a joy
to look back so many years and admire the amazing goodness and
faithfulness of our gracious Father!
We had a visitor last week from Tasmania, the island off the
southeast coast of Australia. She was finishing up a 3-week visit to
the Celtic nations and we had a great time together praying and
sharing. She told us about her time at a 10-day prayer retreat that took
place there in June.
It was amazing to learn that among the main themes in the
forefront of their prayer and prophecy, Wales seemed to come up time after
time. She had taken detailed notes, and she shared about some of the
visions that people received during that time. We were amazed to
discover the similarity with visions that have been received here in
recent times as well.
Once again we can only admire how God is orchestrating things around
the world, and we are just blown away by His marvelous ways. The more
we meet people and hear their stories and testimonies, the more we
realize how great He really is. As it says in Ephesians 3:18-19, that
we "may be able to comprehend
with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and
height—to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may
be filled with all the fullness of God."
& Gladys