Dear Praying Friends and Saints:
Driving south through Pembrokeshire on Tuesday took us through a
beautiful wide valley. This lovely view of Wales' green hills and
fields of grazing sheep is a commonplace and timeless reminder of
the simplicity of God's kingdom and our place in the great scheme
of things.
These verses in Psalm 95:6-7 put everything into the summarily
important and proper perspective.
"Oh come, let us worship and bow
Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.
For He is our God,
And we are the people of His pasture,
And the sheep of His hand."
Far above and beyond any temporal happenings around us, and there
are more than enough to go around these days, this must remain our
bedrock, foundation, and home turf. And to frame that in our
day-to-day context, Acts 17:28 says, "
Him we live and move and have our being..." And so these
facts should compel us to abide in Him as well as make the necessary
time and place available for His word to abide in us. (John 15:1-8)
Imagine how different the world would be if more of her people were
to actually
worship and bow down!
I try to not immerse myself much in the news, but last week I
checked up on the pandemic worldwide and found some statistics that
rocked my soul to tears. As of today, we’ve lost more than 631,000
lives to the virus so far this year. That is heartbreaking, as is
all unavoidable loss of life through any natural disaster. But, the
same source also shows that the Net Population Growth this year is
rapidly approaching 46 million, and nearly 24 million unborn babies
have been aborted–that means more than one innocent child each and
every second.
This shocking fact has sat very heavily in my spirit since I first
saw it in such a stark comparison. How is it possible that our "modern
and enlightened" world can condone such a heinous crime against
humanity? How did we drift so far away from decency and compassion?
The Lord Himself gives this answer that I just read a few hours ago
in Jeremiah 20:4, "
Because they have forsaken
Me and made this an alien place, because they have burned incense
in it to other gods ...and have filled this place with the blood
of the innocents."
A reading of this short chapter of Jeremiah makes it evident
that God didn't just sit by as an impartial observer. Rather, His
intervention brought about some very harsh consequences for the
Hebrew nation. (Lesson learned? Sadly, not.) When we hear people
ask if this virus is God's divine judgment for a far greater sin
than that of the Hebrews, or proclaim it as fact, how can we
respond? With great heartfelt sorrow, we can kneel before the Lord
our maker and pray. Of course, we can pray for some relief of the
suffering caused by the virus.
But I believe we need to
grapple with the underlying causes of the world's desperate
circumstances at every level.
I quickly gravitate towards David's words in Psalm 131:1-2, "Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor my eyes
lofty. Neither do I concern myself with great matters, nor with
things too profound for me. Surely I have calmed and quieted my
soul …like a weaned child is my soul within me."
In the midst of all the wranglings about the virus—the
mask-wearing, new "cures", the changes of "expert opinions"—and
all the political strife, international tensions, etc, etc, there
is just one lasting truth that matters. We are all just passing
through this transitory world, and Jesus came to give us life, and
life everlasting. This is the biggest picture of all, hands-down
and forever. He is the Lamb of God that was sent in human form to
take away the sins of the whole world.
I'm sure we all know these verses inside out and backward, but it
is just good medicine for the soul and body to hear them again. "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the
wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that
whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have
everlasting life." John 3:14-16
We can pray boldly together with simplicity of heart for every
concern. But most of all we pray for acceptance of God's
invincible remedy for sin, for His glory, and the salvation of
millions of souls around the globe.
Dick & Gladys

Dear Friends and Prayers:
While we stopped to have a snack at one of our many favorite
spots the other day, two tractors showed up and starting mowing
the hay for silage. They worked together as a wonderfully
orchestrated team and made short and neat work of the task at
hand. It was great fun to watch, and perhaps the operators spiced
up their performance a little bit because they had an audience.
The next day, my old friend Alex, from the early days in our
discipleship community, sent me this video, saying how much it had
blessed them. So I just want to share the blessing with you today
and remind you of some of the glorious things God has done in all
of our lives.
It is a great story of the beginnings and development of the
Vineyard Churches in the Jesus Movement of the 1970s. John
Wimber's wife, now remarried after his death, tells their story
with another of the early couples that were together with them.
I've included the video here in the email so you can watch the
last few minutes where she responds to the question, "What do you
see God doing now? (in 2018)"
This clip is so encouraging and shares
some important points that will make you glad to be alive for such
a time as this. She speaks of revival and says, "It’s coming, and
it’s gonna be so big, and so huge, and wonderful but terrible too.
And we need to be in our place so we can handle the influx
of masses of people..."
(PS: You can watch the whole video here too, it's well worth the
Recently we have discovered some new friends that God has put in
place right here in Wales. And what is a special treat for us is
that they are Spanish speakers! Roberto is from Mexico, and his
wife Annie grew up here in Wales.
spent a few years in Latin America until they met and were married
about ten years ago, and now they have been living in
Pembrokeshire for about seven years with their two beautiful
children, who speak Spanish, English, and Welsh! We met in person
for the first time on Father's Day, and then they visited us for
lunch and some time together and a visit to the chapel on Sunday.
It was the first time we've had visitors join us there since the
lockdown began in March.
There are also two other Spanish-speaking couples we've gotten to
know recently. One is an Argentinian Welsh-speaking pastor, with
his Welsh wife and two trilingual children, who came at shared at
the chapel last year. The other is a missionary evangelist and his
Spanish wife who we've not met face-to-face yet. But that will all
change very soon.
None of the three couples have met before, and all of them are
dedicated to serving the Lord, so we've arranged to meet together
this Saturday for a meal and time to get acquainted and learn more
about God's goodness, and how He has put each of us in the place
He has us for a time such as this. We are looking forward to
experiencing more of the reality of Psalm 133 that says, "Behold, how good it is for the brethren to dwell
together in unity!"
We pray that you be blessed and empowered to fulfill your
participation in the coming harvest and that where the Lord has
placed you clearly becomes a place of blessing for you, and
particularly those around you, because of "
in you, the hope of glory." (Colossians 1:27)
Dick & Gladys