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Sunday, June 13, 2021

Moving out and camping? Your prayers can make the difference!

Gone to share Jesus in the hills!Dear Friends and Praying Saints,
This is a very quick email to say that two weeks ago we were told that we needed to vacate the premises where we have been living these 14 years by the 25th of this month! So as you can guess it has been sort of a mad rush for the past couple of weeks.
Boxes everywherePresently we are about 90% packed of things Inside the house, and are ready to tackle the outdoor garden sheds and garage. There’s a lot to do still, but the Lord has given us some wonderful grace and strength to do what needs to be done, plus the occasional helping hands. There will be a few more of those to come before all is said and done.
The mover is due to come on Monday the 21st, and we are asking you to pray with us for a miraculous expediting of the legal matters which would enable us to move directly into the new house. As things stand though, we have rented a 20 foot container nearby and will be putting things in storage until the negotiations are finalized,.. BUT our God is able!

As of the 20th we have 20 days temporary lodging in the cottage across the street where we first stayed 22 years ago. After that we are not sure but again know that God will provide as he always has.
Boxes everywhereI want to keep this short but just wanted to say thank you so much for your ongoing prayers. We are excited, as we see this is a major shift in our work of intercessory prayer here. After having been praying for all these years mostly at the gateway to the Southwest part of Wales, now we will be looking over the hills up into the Northeast to cover the rest of Wales. So on we go, and expectation is growing on all fronts for the impending move of God and extraordinary workings of the Holy Spirit in the days yet before us.

Isaiah 17:7-8 (MSG)
"Yes, the Day is coming when people will notice The One Who Made Them, take a long hard look at The Holy of Israel. They'll lose interest in all the stuff they've made—altars and monuments and rituals, their homemade, handmade religion—however impressive it is."

May the blessings of God’s grace and presence accompany you each moment of every day,
Dick & Gladys


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