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Saturday, March 11, 2023

A cry for the heart of nations, the growing harvest, and eagles' wings!

The Welsh Assembly, CardiffDear Saints and Revival Prayers:

Two weeks ago we had the privilege of praying with friends in the Welsh Assembly building in Cardiff. We were the only ones there and had an extraordinary time of intercession in a room dedicate to prayer. The contemporary design is stunning, and provides a way for the public to observe the sessions without interfering in the proceedings. It gives the impression of being accessible but untouchable, as if to say, "out with the old, in with the new."

Tragically, this legislative body has done exactly that—abandoned a centuries-old traditional Judeo-Christian heritage and exchanged it for a godless and humanistic progressivism. margam Castle, Port talbotThis exalted "transparency" seems aloof to the existence of God's eternal kingdom, and provides a great picture of the power of prayer. Happily there are many Christian members of the assembly, and there is a very active network of people engaged in supporting them and their efforts to uphold standards of godly righteousness amidst a downward trend of atheistic delusion.

This is the increasingly evident condition of the world around us, and should fuel our prayers as never before. Reading yesterday in The Passion Translation of Luke 24:30-31, this portion totally undid me. "Joining them at the table for supper, he took bread and blessed it and broke it, then gave it to them. All at once their eyes were opened and they realized he was Jesus!" Oh, how we need the Lord to open the eyes of the desperately needy people of this world grasping for hope in the quicksand of impending mortality. Ezekiel 12:2 says, "Son of man, you are living among a rebellious people. They have eyes to see but do not see and ears to hear but do not hear…" What a priceless gift that Jesus came to bring sight to the blind and to open deaf ears!

Sheep at sunset over Teifi valley, Newcastle EmlynThe Holy Spirit invites everyone in Hebrews 3:3-8, "Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the time of rebellion…" And what we are gloriously seeing now, as the outpouring that started at Asbury continues to spread across the U.S. and other nations with tens of thousands of hearts turning to Jesus, is the fruit of God's own heart reaching down into humanity with salvation and joy.

Bless Wales prayer at BCWThese past several weeks have been a whirlwind of activity for us, with way more to share than I have room for here. One of the highlights was a breakfast for ministers heard at the Bible College of Wales. You may recall that before the pandemic, there was a conference called Bless Wales that took place in Swansea. And they are organising another for this May, and this precious time of worship in the presence of God was in preparation for the event.Janet and CBSI friends! You can find more information about it at this link.

Then we were delighted to have our very dear Janet with her two friends from Community Bible Studies come spend a few hours with us. We met and prayed together at our Cilfowyr Chapel, where Janet and her husband John have a generations-old connection. And afterwards we went to the house where Gladys was waiting for us with a delicious Guatemalan style chicken soup.

We are so aware of the workings of the Lord in multiple ways and places with countless "divine appointments" and opportunities to share Jesus. It has all been wonderfully overwhelming, and we are so thankful for His care for us at every turn.

May the words in Exodus 19:4-5 be strength to each one of us as together we serve the Kings of kings. "You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to Myself. Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine."

Dick & Gladys


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