Dear Friends:
First off we want to wish you a very blessed and meaningful Christmas this year, and that the incoming 2025 be full of God's blessings and guidance as we navigate this rapidly changing world around us. If there was ever a time when we need more of Jesus, it's now!
Somehow three months have disappeared, and but here's a start on an update of the most recent things first. In the photo I am cutting our back garden for the last time of the year. This was my first day home after spending three weeks in the hospital. It was the result of a recurrence of myasthenia gravis which I had back in 2013. It started with double vision in September and October saw me reluctantly put back on a course of steroids, which by the end of the month landed me in the hospital due to a severe reaction they caused. A different set of medications in hospital, and much prayer from many many friends, enabled me to come home again just over three weeks ago now.

In October we spent a good deal of energy making connections for our friends from New York, Rich & Joyce Swingle and Tim Mercaldo, who were busy making contacts to bring their production, Songs of Revival - Hungry after God Himself, next year. It was exciting to see how God orchestrated so many divine encounters and opened extraordinary doors for them, and we were all amazed and thrilled to watch things fall into place like clockwork.
Our hearts are filled with gratitude to the Lord for His work of restoration in my condition. My first weeks in the hospital were lost in a blur, and thankfully our youngest son Richard was able to make himself free enough to come and
accompany Gladys and help with driving back and forth to visit me in Llanelli, a 90 minute drive, plus all the household tasks of shopping, etc. He was a real Godsend for his mother, and they got to spend some fun times exploring, and just hanging out together—a special treat because he had left his wife and little girl home in Maine at great personal cost to come and fill in during my absence. Our gratitude to him and his family is great, and we clearly saw the goodness of God in their sacrifice on our behalf.
We're delighted to report that I am doing much better. I'm getting stronger day by day in myself, and have been able to drive over to spend time at the chapel several times and reestablish some routines that were very difficult just a couple of weeks ago. We can't thank the Lord enough for His goodness through it all. It seems to be evidence that we are being prepared for a new chapter.
In fact, His goodness has followed and surrounded and sustained us all these nearly 20 years, and we are amazed and humbled by this fact. The Lord has been impressing on me these verses in Zechariah 8:12 (AMP), "For there the seed will produce peace and prosperity; the vine will yield its fruit, and the ground will produce its increase, and the heavens will give their dew. And I will cause the remnant of this people to inherit and possess all these things." The vine, the Body of Christ here in Wales, is in just such a position, and we see the coming year as manifesting a new level of fruitfulness that will gladden the hearts of many, old believers and new.
Thank you once again for your interest and especially your prayers as we walk together into this new year. May God bless you and your loved ones in profound and special ways,
Dick & Gladys